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6 months ago

Lyrics of Wild Things - Remix by Alessia Cara,G-Eazy

Find Table spaces say your social graces, Bow your heads
thier pious here but you and i were pioneers
We make our own rules, our own room
No Bias here Let them sell what they are sellin′ there are no buyers here
So gather all the rebels now we'll rebel rouse and sing aloud
We don′t care what they say no way, no way,
And we will leave some empty chairs for those who say we can't sit there
were fine all by ourselves
So aye, We brought our drums and this is how we dance
No mistakin' we makes our breaks if you don′t like our 808′s
Then, Leave us alone cause we don't need your policies
We have no appologies for being
Find me were the wild thing are
- Love, DesiRae Rose
Writer(s): Thabiso Nkhereanye, James Ryan Wuihun Ho, Coleridge Tillman, Alessia Caracciolo



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Last edit 6 months ago
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